I’ve been away from the project for a couple of weeks now, trying to get other projects that aren’t purely self-interested, up-and-running. The Three Fivers idea hasn’t progressed because of that, other than researching, which is essential - but ultimately no substitute for making money. Hard work works, as they say, and I’ve done none. The obvious answer is to monetise the blog - if you’re reading this I’m halfway there. There are (research tells me) six ways of making money from a blog: 1. Advertising 2. Affiliate marketing 3. Selling your own products 4. Selling services 5. Sponsored content 6. Donations To give you the short story: 1. Maybe, but won’t make me rich 2. Not really my thing, but if there was no other way, I’d consider it 3. I don’t have anything to sell 4. I don’t have any services to sell either 5. Sponsored content - just makes me think of the cheesy tv host from the Simpsons 6. No. Especially not donations - what would we learn from that? Before Thr...